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- Страна нахождения France
- Родился в: France
- Питомник: HEAVEN WHITE
- Сука
- Дата Рождения: 24/06/2012
- Вес:
- Размер:
- Порода: Bull Terrier
- Цвет: White
- Приметы:
- Титулы: CHAMPION UK -FRANCE --1st young bitch, best bitch , BOB ,BIS - RE ( Blair anna) 19/05/2013: 1st young bitch ,best bitch,BOB, best young all breeds, best dog group 3 , 3rd best dog all breeds- Tours ( Parson patrick) 09/03/2013: 1st young bitch,best bitch, BOB - Chartres ( Calloch) 30/06/2013: 1st young bitch, best bitch, BOB, best dog group 3 , 2nd best dog all breeds- Pornichet ( Prin dominique) 14/07/2013: 1st young bitch, best bitch,BOB, best head -Superbull ( Newberry andrea- Andreu martinez) 27/07/2013: RBCC, RBIS - Scottish bull terrier club ( foster sarah) Stunning, elegant white with black ears. Lovely head, with strong muzzle. Good mouth, lovely expression, lovely front and feet, good bone, correct shoulders, although not long in back, she is slightly longer than 1st. Shapely, strong quarters, good topline, moved well and again one of the better bitch movers. A well deserved RBCC & RBIS 28/07/2013: 1st limit bitch -Northern provincial club ( Eddie ball) 10/08/2013: BCC - Bornemouth ( Wilkinson) White with brindle ear markings, well balanced, very stylish super head, lovely eye, correct mouth, good neck, shoulders & front, good topline, tailset, powerful hindquarters, moved & handled well. BCC 13/09/2013: 1st limit bitch -Darlington ( Parsons) 06/10/2013: 2nd limit bitch -BTC ( Kearby) 09/11/2013: 1st internediate class, reserve best bitch, rcac- Leiden ( Dutch trophy) ( Remer ) 10/11/2013: 29 points for france 16/11/2013: 1st intermediate class, best bitch, BOB -Eurodogshow Coutrai ( Kilpatrick) 24/11/203: 1st intermediate class, CACS - Le mans ( Parson) 07/12/2013: 1st intermediate class , CACS,CACIB,BOB - Rouen ( Stefanescu) RESULTS 2014: 11/01/2014: 1st open bitch,rcacs,rcacib -PDS( Escoffier) 02/02/2014: 1st open bitch, CACS, CACIB - Troyes ( Chapiro) 22/02/2014: 1st open bitch, best bitch, BOS - Open show trophy show uk ( daikini) Very beautiful quality white bitch with brindle ear markings, extremely balanced, very beautiful stylish head without being overdone, lovely eye, correct mouth, good neck, shoulders & front, beautiful top line and tail set and powerful hindquarters completes the picture. Moved very well with drive. A bitch with a lot of virtues and a pleasure to go over. BB BOS RBIS 23/02/2014: Winner international trophy -UK ( Crossguns-Graymor) a very well put together bitch who stood four square with a long well filled head, correct ear placement, deep set eye, a correct bite, deep chest, well boned straight front, tight cat feet, excellent rib, well muscled back end, moved with drive and purpose. Showed excellently. A beautiful substantial white bitch who combined power with femininity. Oozes bone and substance while still keeping that femininity. Well filled head with super sweeping profile. Well placed eyes with a really good expression. Used her ears well, mouth perfect with a deep underjaw. Gunbarrel chest with straight front into tight feet. Short coupled with elegant neck into well laid shoulder. Good spring of ribs, level topline. Strong muscular quarters with good second thigh and nice bend of stifle. Moved well coming and OK behind and with substantial drive. Very pleased to award her the International Trophy. 02/03/2014: BCC, BOB - Yorkshire BTC (Cox ) White with head markings. Excellent quality and true bull terrier type female. Super head, well turned and completely filled. Excellent in profile, excellent eye, earset and expression. Correct front, well laid shoulders, good top line and good back angulation. Moved well. Her virtues are excellent. Handled well. BCC & BIS 22/03/2014: BCC - SECBTC ( Bill leslie) Large upstanding white with head markings yet still a very elegant and feminine girl fantastic profile good length of muzzle used her ears all the time her heads all filled wicked eye and roman finish long reach of neck with lots of fore chest and depth and spring of rib straight front and cat like feet powerful rear end and tail well set,held her top line well and moved both from front and behind with drive, well handled and presented 20/04/2014: Runner-up white bitch -CETS Belgique ( Shaw -Spurr) 13/07/2014: 1st open bitch, best bitch , BOB ,BIS -Superbull ( Newbery gary- Marcillaud anne) 26/07/2014: 1st champion bitch , BOB -Dieppe ( Renaux) 06/09/2014: 1st open bitch ,CACS, best bitch, BOB - Nationale d' elevage CFABT ( Walker) 27/09/2014: 1st champion bitch, best bitch, best head, best movement ,BOS -Memorial servancks belgique ( Furneaux david -jeanet) 11/10/2014: 1st open bitch , CACS,CACIB, BOB - Orleans ( Dupas) 08/11/2014: 1st champion bitch , reserve best bitch , rcac- Leiden (dutch trophy show) ( Norma j.smith) top quality girl - super bitch - with lot of bones and substance , wonderfull head wiched expression, ears on top bite level good strong quarters 15/11/204: 1st open bitch, best bitch, BOB - RE tarbes ( Bill Leslie) RESULTS 2015 : 18/01/2015: 1st open class, CAC,CACIB,BOB - International show Bordeaux ( Kerihuel jp) 07/03/2015: 2nd open class -RBCC at Crufts 2015 ( Hughes maureen) Another beautiful white bitch who combines power with femininity. Super well filled head with arcing profile. Small dark eye and good ear carriage. Mouth good with strong underjaw. Deep chest with good round bone. Straight front with cat feet. Well placed shoulders. Short coupled with good depth of brisket. Good bend of stifle and muscular thighs. Moved well coming and okay behind. RBCC. 31/08/2015: laya was married to a dog, Bigshot sugar daddy , and gave birth to 8 beautiful puppies. 4 boys and 4 girls we have the pleasure of going out into the shows ! 05/12/2015 : 1 st champion , CACIB , BOB - Rouen , speciale de race . ( Foster sarah) 26/03/2016 : 1st champion class at CETS ( Spurr T ) 27/03/2016 : 1st champion class , CACIB, BOB special breed ANGERS ( Thual ) 22-05-2016: 1 st champion, CACIB, BOB , special breed Marmande ( Kerihuel)
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